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Western Conference Edges East 107-102 in Inaugural CEBL Clash

Josh Kozelj • August 26, 2023

The western conference came from behind to beat the eastern conference 107-102 in the first-ever CEBL Clash at the Videotron Centre in Quebec City 

In front of over 7,000 fans, who came to watch the first professional basketball game at the Videotron Centre, elite players from all 10 CEBL teams showed out for their respective conferences. 

Vancouver’s Marlon Johnson Jr. finished with a game-high 20 points and was named the MVP of the Clash. Johnson Jr. also sealed the contest with a game-winning jumper from just outside the free throw line in target score time. 

“I’m kind of surprised,” Johnson Jr. said of the Fizz Player Of The Game selection after the game. “But I’m just glad that everyone came out here and had fun tonight, that’s what it was all about. It was a phenomenal experience.” 

Both teams began the game with a playoff-like intensity, as the Quebec City crowd erupted with every behind-the-back pass and long three ball. 

“I think [Quebec City] is a great basketball market,” said Charles Dubé-Brais, assistant general manager and assistant coach for the Montréal Alliance, in a mid-game interview. 

“The response today was amazing and we can see the growth of the sport in the area here. I think [basketball] has grown across the country and Quebec is no stranger to it. It would be very fun to see what a team could do here.” 

Jackson Rowe, representing the Ottawa BlackJacks for the eastern conference, started the scoring with a three pointer. He was fouled in the process of the shot but missed the free throw. Despite the miss, the east still raced out on a 11-2 run to begin the game, which was capped off with a Jahvon Henry-Blair triple that came from just inside the CEBL Clash logo on centre court. 

A second Vancouver Bandit, however, slowly clawed the western conference back into the game. 

Alex Campbell scored nine of his 15 points in the first half, while AJ Hess came off the bench to drill a three that made it a two-point game after one quarter. 

Both teams traded long balls to kick off the second quarter, and Calgary’s Sean Miller-Moore gave the west their first lead of the game on a jumper halfway through the frame. 

Montréal’s Alain Louis, though, forced a timeout by west head coach Nelson Terroba after steamrolling to the hoop and getting a layup to fall—pushing the east out in front 51-47. The east took a six-point lead into halftime. 

Following the break, Rowe drained a three pointer out of a set play and the east maintained a slim lead. Rowe finished with a team-high 19 points on the afternoon, while Henry-Blair also recorded 19 points. Scarborough’s Kyree Walker, fresh off a CEBL title, scored 18 points in the contest. 

But Johnson Jr. came alive in the third, scoring eight points in the frame to keep the west within striking distance. 

Cody John sunk a turnaround jumper with seconds to go in the quarter to make it a 86-84 game. 

Both teams then ramped up the defensive intensity in the fourth. Jordy Tshimanga converted a three-point play to give the west a three-point lead heading into target score time. Although Rowe started target score with a three ball, the west responded with a 7-0 run to come within two points of the win. 

Johnson Jr. ended the game a couple possessions later by snagging an offensive rebound and getting a jumper to rattle home. 

“We all wanted to come out here and have fun, that’s what we did,” Johnson Jr. said. “And get that little money.” 

The CEBL Clash also officially marked the end of the 2023 CEBL campaign. Earlier in the week, the league announced that the Montréal Alliance had been selected to host Championship Weekend in August 2024.

Mike Morreale, commissioner and co-founder of the CEBL, applauded the fans in both Montréal and Quebec City during the Clash—adding that the province has consistently turned out quality NBA and CEBL talent and deserved to host today’s competitive matchup. 

“The province needed to be recognized,” Morreale said in a mid-game interview. 

“We have over 7,000 fans here today, it’s an incredible building, great hospitality and it’s a pleasure to be here.” 

A league created by Canadians for Canadians with a mission to develop Canadian players, coaches, sports executives, and referees, the CEBL boasts the highest percentage of Canadian players of any pro league in the country with 71 percent of its 2022 rosters being Canadian. Players bring experience from the NBA, NBA G League, top international pro leagues, the Canadian National team program, and top NCAA programs as well as U SPORTS. Nine players have moved from the CEBL into the NBA following a CEBL season, and 28 CEBL players attended NBA G League training camps during October. The CEBL season runs from May through August.  More information about the CEBL is available at and @cebleague on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, Facebook & YouTube.

March 19, 2025
Les BlackJacks d’Ottawa de la Ligue canadienne de basketball élite (CEBL), la plus grande ligue sportive professionnelle du Canada, sont heureux d'annoncer leur tout premier match scolaire pour les élèves du primaire et du secondaire de la région de la capitale, qui se déroulera le mercredi 14 mai à l'Arène à la Place TD , avec le sponsor principal, Prezdential Basketball , fondé par le leader communautaire Manock Lual. Le match commencera à 10h 30, les BlackJacks affronteront les Capital Region All-Stars, dirigés par Taffe Charles, entraîneur-chef de l’équipe masculine de basketball de l’Université Carleton. Les BlackJacks et Prezdential collaborent avec tous les grands conseils scolaires des régions d'Ottawa et de l'Outaouais dans le but d'offrir aux élèves l'opportunité de vivre une expérience de basketball professionnel en direct, d'écouter un intervenant inspirant et de profiter d'une excursion passionnante avec leurs camarades de toute la région de la capitale, au coût de 15 $ par élève. Les BlackJacks se sont engagés à travailler avec les leaders communautaires locaux pour développer une présentation qui se déroulera pendant la mi-temps du match, mettant en vedette Manock et Prezdential, dont la mission est d'autonomiser les jeunes en exploitant le pouvoir du sport, des arts et du mentorat, dans le but ultime d'aider les jeunes à atteindre leur plein potentiel, favoriser leur croissance personnelle, améliorer leurs compétences en leadership et devenir des membres précieux de la communauté. Basé à Ottawa, Prezdential intervient dans les quartiers prioritaires, les déserts récréatifs et les zones identifiées comme "rouges" dans l'indice d'équité des quartiers de la ville. En tant qu'organisation dirigée par des Noirs, elle met au centre les expériences vécues des jeunes Noirs, racialisés et marginalisés, tout en reconnaissant la diversité et les intersections uniques dans tous les aspects de ses programmes. « Notre match inaugural de la journée scolaire est une autre initiative importante conçue pour se connecter avec la communauté de la région de la capitale et y contribuer », a déclaré Mark Wacyk, président des BlackJacks. « Les BlackJacks croient fermement que le basketball est un moyen de rassemblement et que réunir des jeunes de toutes les régions d’Ottawa et de l’Outaouais offre des avantages sociaux tangibles. En collaborant avec Prezdential et Manock, notre public aura l'opportunité d'écouter un intervenant motivant et puissant qui est une ressource importante et innovante dans notre communauté. » Les bus commenceront à arriver à 9h30 et tout au long de la journée, les étudiants auront l'occasion de visiter les vendeurs situés dans l'arène et d'acheter des produits dérivés de BlackJacks. L'Arène du TD Place est un lieu sans numéraire et des informations supplémentaires concernant l'achat de bons de repas seront fournies une fois les billets achetés. Les étudiants pourront également apporter des déjeuners emballés pour l'événement. Pour faciliter la logistique, les BlackJacks se sont associés à la société First Student Bus Company pour offrir un transport à prix réduit, qui a réservé des bus spécifiquement pour l'événement. Il est fortement recommandé aux écoles de réserver le transport auprès de cette organisation. Toutes les écoles intéressées à participer peuvent envoyer un e-mail à [email protected] , appeler le 613-618-3000 avec le nombre estimé de billets ou remplir le formulaire en ligne d'ici le vendredi 11 avril. Un billet gratuit sera offert pour chaque 10 billets étudiants payants. Les places sont limitées, donc les participants intéressés sont encouragés à confirmer leur présence dès que possible. Bien que le match soit destiné aux groupes scolaires, les membres détenteurs de sièges de saison des BlackJacks seront invités à assister au match sans frais supplémentaires et sont encouragés à contacter leur représentant des ventes pour plus d'informations. Il est actuellement possible d'acheter des forfaits de billets flexibles en visitant le site . Les abonnements de saison des BlackJacks 2025 sont disponibles dès maintenant. Pour plus de détails, les amateurs sont invités à envoyer un courriel à [email protected] ou à composer le 613-690-0519. - LECB - À propos du CEBL La CEBL est une équipe créée par des Canadiens pour des Canadiens, avec pour objectif de développer des joueurs, des entraîneurs, des responsables sportifs et des arbitres canadiens. Elle compte le plus grand nombre de joueurs canadiens de toute autre équipe professionnelle dans le pays, avec 75% de ses équipes étant canadiennes et un record de 12 joueurs NBA en 2024. Les joueurs apportent également leur expérience de la NBA G League, des meilleures ligues internationales de professionnels, du programme national canadien, des programmes NCAA, ainsi que de U SPORTS et de CCAA. 22 joueurs ont signé des contrats NBA après une saison CEBL, et de nombreux joueurs CEBL participent à des camps de formation NBA G League chaque année. La saison CEBL se déroule de mai à août, avec des matchs diffusés en direct sur CEBL+ avec BetVictor, TSN , TSN+ , RDS , Game+ , Next Level Sports & Entertainment et Courtside1891 . On peut trouver davantage d'informations sur le CEBL sur et @cebleague sur Instagram , Twitter , TikTok , LinkedIn , Facebook et YouTube .
March 19, 2025
The Ottawa BlackJacks of the Canadian Elite Basketball League (CEBL), Canada’s largest professional sports league, are pleased to announce the organization’s first-ever school game for Capital Region elementary and high school students on Wednesday, May 14 at The Arena at TD Place with presenting sponsor, Prezdential Basketball , founded by community leader, Manock Lual. Taking place at 10:30 a.m., the BlackJacks will tip-off against the Capital Region All-Stars, led by Taffe Charles, head coach of Carleton University men’s basketball team. The BlackJacks and Prezdential are working with all major school boards across the Ottawa and Outaouis regions with the aim to provide students with the opportunity to experience live professional basketball, hear from an inspiring speaker and enjoy an exciting field trip with their peers from all areas of the Capital Region at a cost of $15 per student. The BlackJacks have dedicated themselves to working with local community leaders to develop a presentation that will take place during halftime of the game highlighted by Manock and Prezdential whose mission is to empower youth by harnessing the power of sports, arts and mentorship with the ultimate goal of helping young individuals reach their full potential, foster personal growth, improve their leadership skills and become valued members of the community. Based in Ottawa, Prezdenital operates in priority neighborhoods, recreational deserts and areas identified as “red” in the city’s Neighborhood Equity Index. As a Black-led organization, they centre the lived experiences of Black, racialized and marginalized youth while recognizing diversity and unique intersectionalities in every aspect of their programming. “Our inaugural School Day Game is another important initiative designed to connect with and contribute to the Capital Region community,” said BlackJacks president Mark Wacyk. “The BlackJacks strongly believe that basketball is a unifying medium and bringing youth from all areas of Ottawa and the Outaouais provides tangible social benefits. In partnering with Prezdential and Manock, our audience will have the opportunity to listen to a powerful motivational speaker who is an important, innovative resource in our community." Buses will begin arriving at 9:30 a.m. and throughout the day, students will have the opportunity to visit vendors located throughout the arena and to purchase BlackJacks merchandise. The Arena at TD Place is a cashless venue and additional information regarding the purchasing of food vouchers will be provided once tickets are purchased. Students will also be able to bring in bagged lunches for the event. To assist with logistics, the BlackJacks have partnered with First Student Bus Company to offer discounted transportation who have secured buses specifically for the event and schools are highly encouraged to book transportation through the organization. Any schools interested in participating can email [email protected] , call 613-618-3000 with an estimated number of tickets or fill out the online form by Friday, April 11. One complimentary ticket will be provided for each 10 paid student tickets. Spots are limited, so interested participants are encouraged to confirm their attendance as soon as possible. Although the game will be geared towards school groups, BlackJacks season-seat members will be welcome to attend the game at no additional cost and are encouraged to contact their sales representative for more information. Flexible ticket packages are currently available to purchase by visiting . BlackJacks 2025 season-seat memberships are available now. For additional details, fans are encouraged to email [email protected] or call 613-690-0519 - CEBL - About the CEBL A league created by Canadians for Canadians with a mission to develop Canadian players, coaches, sports executives, and referees, the CEBL boasts the highest percentage of Canadian players of any pro league in the country with 75% of its rosters being Canadian and a record 12 players with NBA experience in 2024. Players also bring experience from the NBA G League, top international pro leagues, the Canadian National team program, NCAA programs, as well as U SPORTS and CCAA. 22 players have signed NBA contracts following a CEBL season, and numerous CEBL players attend NBA G League training camps every year. The CEBL season runs from May through August with games broadcast live on CEBL+ powered by BetVictor, TSN , TSN+ , RDS , Game+ , Next Level Sports & Entertainment and Courtside1891 . More information about the CEBL is available at and @cebleague on Instagram , Twitter , TikTok , LinkedIn , Facebook and YouTube .
March 19, 2025
The St. Francis Xavier University product averaged 6.5 points and 5.1 rebounds across three CEBL seasons with Winnipeg and Scarborough
March 18, 2025
The Vancouver Bandits, BC’s professional basketball team, have finalized its basketball staff in advance of the 2025 Canadian Elite Basketball League season. Led by reigning CEBL Coach of the Year, Kyle Julius, a combination of familiar and new faces will comprise the group that will lead the club into its seventh season tipping off on May 15. Julius enters his sixth season with the Bandits, having been with the club since 2020. "When we hired Kyle Julius in 2020, we knew we were bringing in a leader with a relentless work ethic, a championship pedigree and a deep commitment to player development. His vision for high-performance basketball, combined with his ability to build a winning culture, aligned perfectly with the direction we wanted to take as an organization,” said Vancouver team president Dylan Kular. “Since his arrival, the Bandits have grown tremendously both on and off the court. We have established a culture of excellence, expanded our community reach, and built a foundation that continues to attract top-tier talent. Kyle has been instrumental in shaping our identity, and his leadership has positioned us as the premier franchise in the CEBL.” “I am incredibly excited to work with this outstanding group of coaches, we have our entire championship staff returning, and we’ve added some talented new coaches as well. Our organization has always been fully committed to providing our players with the highest level of coaching and development, both on and off the court,” said Vancouver head coach and general manager Kyle Julius. Under his leadership, Vancouver has advanced to the CEBL postseason in each of his five seasons at the helm, including two CEBL Finals appearances in 2020 and 2024. Julius led the Bandits to a 14-6 record in 2024, the club’s best regular season result in franchise history, which culminated with a CEBL Finals berth and being named recipient of the CEBL’s Coach of the Year award. The Thunder Bay, Ont. native became the first head coach in CEBL history to be signed on in a year-round capacity and recently signed a contract extension to 2026, greatly expanding the Bandits’ off-court endeavours including community outreach and grassroots basketball development efforts across British Columbia. “We have set the standard in the league when it comes to player development, training resources, strength and conditioning, recovery, on-court skill development, mental wellness, and emotional growth. This staff brings deep basketball experience at every level, ensuring that our players will improve on a daily basis and not only help our players grow as athletes but also as people. They are both dedicated to the Bandits and also committed to the game and ensuring our players have a great experience this summer. I am proud and honoured to work with this group of coaches,” Julius said. New additions to the Bandits bench in 2025 will include Steven Bennett as Player Development Coach, Tyrell Mara as Leadership & Performance Coach, and Louie Al-Hafidh as Assistant Coach & Head Video Coordinator. Ransford Brempong, Lead Assistant Coach & Director of Player Development - Brempong will serve as Lead Assistant Coach for a second season. Originally from Thornhill, Ont., he played a decorated college career at Western Carolina University between 2000-05 and his eight-year pro career included stints with the Canada senior men’s national team and the Bandits during their inaugural season in 2019. After retiring from the game, he worked as a colour commentator for Bandits broadcasts from 2021-23 and founded WCT Hoops, a basketball development program serving youth on Vancouver’s North Shore. Tony Scott, Assistant Coach & Senior Advisor - Scott will re-join the Bandits bench as an Assistant Coach for his fifth consecutive season. For nearly 25 years, he has coached high school basketball at Gleneagle Secondary in Coquitlam and most recently with Terry Fox Secondary in Port Coquitlam. A native of Winnipeg, Man., Scott previously spent 10 years as an assistant coach with the University of Manitoba and played post-secondary basketball from 1979 and 1984 at both the University of Winnipeg and Lakehead University. Matthew Barg, Assistant Coach & Video Coordinator - Barg is another returnee for Julius’ staff, assuming the role of assistant coach for a second season while also taking on responsibilities as the club’s Video Coordinator. Hailing from Montréal, Que., Barg played collegiately at McGill University from 2021 to 2022 and has served as a basketball coach at Selwyn House School. Louie Al-Hafidh, Assistant Coach & Head Video Coordinator - One of three newcomers to the Bandits bench, Al-Hafidh joins the Bandits from Dallas, Texas as head video coordinator for the 2025 season. He is currently working with the Dallas Mavericks’ NBA G League affiliate, the Texas Legends, where he is in his first season as the club’s Director of Basketball Operations. Prior to joining the Mavericks organization, Al-Hafidh spent four seasons with the University of North Texas as the Director of Scouting, Video and Analytics for its men’s basketball program. Steven Bennett, Assistant Coach & Player Development Coach - Bennett will make his debut on the Bandits’ coaching staff in 2025. Originally from Los Angeles, Calif., He played collegiately at Chaminade University and enjoyed a pro basketball career from 2012 to 2018 featuring stops in Germany, Italy, Australia, and the Czech Republic. Following his playing career, Bennett founded the HARD2GUARD basketball training academy, based in Surrey, B.C. Jon Giesbrecht, Director of Mental Skills & Performance - Joining the Bandits in 2024, Giesbrecht’s role addressing mental performance and player mindfulness is the first of its kind in the CEBL. The Winnipeg, Man. native previously served as an assistant coach with the University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg and the University of Regina as well as with Canada Basketball and overseas with professional clubs in Italy. In addition to his work with the Bandits, Giesbrecht manages his own basketball academy, Play Free Ball, mentoring young athletes on mindfulness and mental performance. Jaxson Creasey, Director of Basketball Strategy - Creasey enters his second season with the Bandits. His previous experience includes work with the Victoria Royals and Canuck Place Children’s Hospice in various media and communications roles. Outside of the Bandits, Creasey has gained sport management experience with athlete management group Apollo Athletics as a Junior Agent and is an alumnus of the University of Victoria. Tanner Care, Director of Athletic Performance - Care takes on the role of Director of Athletic Performance for a third consecutive season. He initially joined the club in 2023 where he introduced a specialized department focused on player strength and conditioning. In addition to his work with the Bandits, he is also the head strength and conditioning coach with Simon Fraser University Athletics overseeing the development of student-athletes across several sports. Jackson Banman, Strength & Conditioning Performance Coach - Banman originally joined the Bandits for the 2023 season, working alongside Tanner Care in building the team’s Athletic Performance department. He also serves as a coach with Simon Fraser University Athletics with their strength and conditioning team and works as a personal trainer with local athletes. Kosta Ikonomou, Head Athletic Therapist - Ikonomou begins his sixth season as an athletic therapist with the Bandits, having been involved with the club since its inaugural season in 2019. His previous experience in high performance sports and health includes work with Chelsea FC, Team GB, Trinity Western University athletics and top health organizations in both Canada and England. He obtained his BSc (hons) in Physiotherapy from Brunel University London after completing his BSc of Human Kinetics from the University of Fraser Valley. Furthermore, he holds a master’s degree in Sports Medicine Exercise & Health from the University College of London. Tyrell Mara, Leadership & Performance Coach - Mara joins the Bandits for his first season, serving as a leadership coach. After a decorated high school basketball career with his hometown White Rock Christian Academy, his post-secondary journey included stops at Portland State University and Trinity Western University. After basketball, Mara transitioned into leadership coaching and public speaking where he currently operates his own mentorship and wellness program, The Human Performance Project. Rounding out the staff are volunteer coaches Kyle Brown, Matthew Carrion, Tom Connolly and Othneil Spence, and team doctors Dr. Presley Moodley and Dr. David Wickham.
March 18, 2025
Bourcier has played in 66 career CEBL games across four seasons, and averaged 5.2 points and 2.8 assists in 21 contests with the Sea Bears in 2024
March 14, 2025
American guard Scottie Lindsey brings extensive experience in the NBA G League and CEBL to Edmonton
March 13, 2025
Les billets pour les trois matchs du WC25 sont en vente dès maintenant au prix le plus bas via le forfait Tournoi
March 13, 2025
Tickets to all three CW25 games at the lowest price available are on sale now via the Tournament Packs
March 13, 2025
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March 12, 2025
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